
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Proposition 8

If you are tired of hearing, and reading, about Prop 8, you are probably straight. Not that there is anything wrong with that. I, however, am not, and I am very frustrated that some many people are attempting to deny my rights. I have no immediate plans to marry, but one day I would love to be married. Or, in the least, have that option. To be clear on what this right means to me, I simply want to live free of discrimination. Regardless of you opinion, I am American, I vote, I pay taxes, I deserve to be treated equally.

For those who wish to quote bible verses and condemn me to hell, I am Christian. I am not going to hell because you say I am. Only God can make this decision. Why so many Christians believe they know my relationship with God better than I do is very disturbing. I was raised in a very strict, and extreme, religious home. I was taught I would go to hell for what was then a very secretive and unsure "difference". I had no idea what the word gay meant, but I knew I felt for other boys the same way those boys felt for girls. And I knew this was wrong, according to my parents. It was not until many years after I had moved out of my parents' house that I finally realized how absurdly wrong that was. After I developed my own relationship with God I found out He does not hate gays, but the contrary. This was after over a decade of attempting to be straight. This was after daily prayers to rid me of my gay demons. This was after I finally gave in an realized God didn't want me to change. He created me to be this way and to change it would be to live a lie. To continue the unhappy existence I had always known. I'm sure I'll come back to this topic some other time, but this is a basic preemptive response to those who believe I am a sinner. Believe if you must, but please keep you life right so you can one day see how wrong you are if you make it to Heaven also.

For now, this will have to suffice as far as my blog is concerned. I must now get ready for bed. I need plenty of sleep to combat ignorance during the day. Turning the other cheek can take a lot of energy.

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